Saturday, January 14, 2017

Design Museum

Design Museum 

The new design museum has opened in Finsbury Park, London. Over the christmas period I was able to visit and see it for myself. The building is really a wonderful space and the permanent collection offered a great insight into some of the best designs of the last 100 years in design. The images above are just some of the highlights that stood out, the image directly above shows the statistics that go with different crowdfunded projects over the years, its really interesting to see where money often goes, and encouraging to see design as one of the top hits. Most of the design shown I had seen pictures of but it was amazing to see for example Massimo Vignelli's New York Subway map up close to see the attention to detail put in. All these projects have not only been selected for there design merit but having a influence on contemporary culture, every project has so much to it in terms of a design born out of function. 

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