Saturday, January 14, 2017

Dafi Kuhne

Traditional printing is an area of graphic design perviously that didn't interest me too much but more and more I have seen the art of making and process driven design can be incredibly thought provoking and engaging. Dafi Kuhne's work is both provoking and engaging and the process is very easy to see as he videos each step in his studio, this is a great way of really understanding what goes into a project and seeing the designs stages and how he solves problems in making. This showing of a process is key I feel in successful practice the final solution at times might not fully show what has gone into the work and the influences and at times this further explanation and documentation is needed.

Another of Dafi Kuhne design processes includes the creating of custom and hand made type. This is another part of design that I would like to explore, in particular how this slightly traditional use of letterpress, block type and screen printing can be incorporated into both printed material and translated into online content. 

As my design practice is constantly changing and moving forward there are many different views and thoughts on what design should be, I think that when designing in the current day all design must be translatable to all platforms, through screen imagery, printed content, on the side of a 100 foot building. 

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