Tuesday, May 1, 2018

PPP Presentation

As a guideline this list is a set of examples for things to cover.
Studio visits and open days
Industrial/work experience/placements
Professional activities
Live briefs
Visiting professional talks/workshops
Portfolio surgeries and creative CV workshops
Information of conferences, talks, exhibitions...
Timetables, schedules and strategies

This in mind I have began planning what it is I want to cover and talk about.

My experience in first and second year -
Learning about the ideas of design, thinking about what interests me most...
The importance of collaboration and working together, as well as constant feedback.
An appreciation and admiration of typography & type design.

Work I have completed in third year 
Work within the cultural sector.

- MCB branding - creating a modular typeface system. Exhibition branding.
- Creative Convo's - Collaborative Branding
- Editorial Design project - Cover designs. 
- Artfund
- BAGD publication.

Finally my PPP screen print 

Creating a new typeface based on some of my favourites - Avant Garde, Futura, Tschoild Architype. Creating a composition based on two of my favourite modern artists - Franz Marc & Kazimir Malevich. 

Sending out the poster with a link to my website. 

What this lead to.. 

Meeting/ interview with Springetts packaging & branding. 

Meeting with Simon Esterson & Holly Catford from Esterson Associated & Eye Magazine. 

Arranging a week of work at Esterson Associates. 

These images above show my presentation slides, I wanted to speak about my developing practice and the kind of work I enjoy doing. Also referring to my ongoing contacts with studios and the creative industries. Overall the presentation went well and I feel I communicated my skills as a designer and the kind of work I most enjoy as well as the methods in communicating with the design community. 

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