This module has charted my professional engagement throughout the year, I have managed to find an area of graphic design that not only interests me, but reflect my passions within the arts and architecture. Exploring work for the cultural sector. This has defined the studios I have contacted and work I have been creating, and the opportunities I have interacted with.
A large part of my engagement this year has been within college opportunities, working for the creative convos week of talks, creating designs for the end of year show, and the end of year publication. All these live briefs gave me a chance to deal with real clients real content and beginning to understand what it takes to be a professional graphic designer.
In terms of setting up for life after university I feel I have found a niche in graphic design that interests me and the level of professionalism within my work has really improved and is reflective of real graphic design.
A part of this module that has been really successful is engagement online, creating a professional graphic design Twitter account, utilising Behance, and tailoring my Instagram account to express my ongoing development and passion for graphic design. I have tried to document my work in progress on Twitter as I have found the other social media accounts are more the finished product.
In terms of contacting professionals, creating a screen printed poster was something really different and would try and set me apart to contact studios. This whole process didn't prove that successful, Although I did arrange a week internship with Esterson Associates, but the contact back from this wasn't really very successful. Doing an internship while studying would have been beneficial and given good experience but I am glad that Esterson Associates deal with editorial content inline with my interests. I have tried to prepare for this by caring out a number of editorial briefs and contacting printers, commissioning illustrators and other things that go hand in hand with editorial and magazine design.
Time management and use time effectively has been really important to keep on top of this years work. I have found my knowledge of how long projects take and what goes into this has been greatly improved. I feel overall my time planning and engagement with briefs has been consistently high throughout the year.
In terms of self branding it has always been an aim of mine to allow the content to be the real focus, personally I knew having a really distinctive self branding wasn't me and I just wanted to allow the qualities in my work to be highlighted. Using Squarespace for my website ensure a really high quality and a consistency across different channels and formats. It has taken three years now for my website to be up to the standard I wanted and reflect my work and practice. The next task would be to put up all the new work I have created in Extended Practice.
Overall this module has been really useful and effective in elevating my practice in a professional way, I have consistently engaged with talks throughout the year, and tried at many times to raise my knowledge and understand of what it takes to be a professional graphic designer. I am really proud of my personal achievements this year and I have begun the process of creating an advanced and interesting portfolio that is inline with my interests in graphic design.
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