Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Henry Moore Institute, Tate Modern and Kettles Yard.

As previously explained the cultural sector is an area that interests me and somewhere I would like to work. Visiting galleries as often as possible is vital in immersing myself in gallery designs, layouts and getting to know what works well and what doesn't.

Kettles Yard is another example of really well curated gallery design, the sculpture, furniture and art work in the one time house is really inspiring, as previously explained finding inspiration in places other than graphic design is really important in having a really well rounded and interesting practice.

The Tate Modern is another amazing source of inspiration in terms of art and communication. This exhibition 'Picasso 1932 – Love, Fame Tragedy' displayed a full year of work in Picasso's life and was so inspirational in terms of a practitioner. His level of quality and prolific working ethic shows how it important it is to keep working and try and improve your style at all times. He was so flippant in terms of the style in his work showing how even the best artist and designers need to experiment as much as possible. These three exhibitions and gallery all acted as really inspirations to me and my practice as well as a break from graphic design.

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