Saturday, May 6, 2017

Precision Printing Services

As discussed in our group, we knew we wanted the publication to be professionally printed, if we all pooled our resources together it would not be too expensive to print and we would learn a lot about sending off a real print job and things of this nature. Precision seemed like a really great place to print it as it has a lot to offer in terms of quality and are always trying to do new an innovative productions methods to try and push their company further. Nest magazine influenced us a lot in the kind of size and scale of the publication, this has been printed at Precision and the quality is great. Additional finishing techniques include foilling and embossing, this is another great way to get something different and for the cover is very appropriate considering the target audience being creatives. Precision stands out as the most appropriate place to get it printed and it will be great to actually order a real publication. 

Sponsorship was something relayed back to us as possibly being really helpful in this process, maybe if we let precision include an advert within the publication this would take down the costs, the next steps would be to contact precision and see about getting a quote from them. 

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