Sunday, February 21, 2016

Forget all the rules about graphic design.

 Forget all the rules about graphic design.
 By Bob Gill

I have found this book to be very inspiring, it is all about problem solving within graphics and the idea that a design doesn't need to be complicated or labourite but it just needs to solve the problem. 

Bob Gill being one of the leading type designers over the years his insight into past project he has worked on and outlining the problem and the his solution. 

This kind of straight forward thinking as a design is something I had not really come across, his philosophy is that within any creative project the solution is already there but just needs to be discovered rather than created. I beleive this to be true a lot of the time and can be used to discover the most appropriate and engaging design.
This page titled 'Think, Then Draw' I found particularly interesting as drawing is something I feel I am confident in and can create what I want quickly this idea that taking the time to think about it before can be very useful. Bob Gill seems extremely methodical within his design practice and creates a process to work with before he has even started. This is something I personally feel is slightly different to me I prefer to experiment and find the design along the way.

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