Monday, February 5, 2018

Improvement of website

Something that has been really important so far in PPP has been my own personal website/portfolio. I have had a discussion with my tutor on how to prove this and made some changes in light of this.

I have updated new projects to showcase the best work I have created. Photographed my work to a high level so it is displayed in the best light possible.  I changed the format from square images to rectangular as I felt before it looked to much like an Instagram account.

A change in typeface allows the work to have a hint of class that was missing before. Keeping the writing fairly short and snappy allows for quick and not over complicated communication.

I have changed the about page to a more interesting and dynamic image of myself.

Made the contact page really clear and simple, using a live link to my email to ensure anyone can reach me if need be.

Further more including a news sections connected to my twitter to try and show how I am constantly interacting with and commenting on design.

Overall I feel much more confident with this website and can now begin the process of contacting studios for possible meetings and internships.

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