Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Type in Context , Evaluation

Overall this project is the most informed and refined piece of design I have undertaken, Setting out to create a publication that is both engaging and informative as well as being a beautiful object to a professional standard. 

I found that my the strength of my images was a corner stone of the project and would always be able to be interesting in their own right. Due to the time and care I took in finding and documenting each one. The aims of the brief were to take these further and create something even more engaging and intriguing. Through a researched informed and appropriate choice of layout, embossing, a custom typeface and a complex but effective binding among other things, this has been achieved.

Research in this project was something that was much more informed by content. Taking elements of other projects and incorporate what I had deemed successful into my own workings, something that previously had not been done so effectively. 

An aspect of this brief that was really useful in this project was asking peers, tutors and the technicians in particular about how they would recommend going about a some processes, embossing printed images for example was something that had not been tried before and needed experimentation to work out if it was indeed possible. 

In term of a growing knowledge of what it takes to create an effective publication this project has taught a lot. The design has to be much more informed but the content. During this project the book in a way designed itself, it was not up to personal preference but was informed by how it should be read or how the content should be shown. This design process should be taken forward and improved on as it is a much more effective way of working. 

In terms of things that could have been improved on there will always be a few things for example, the descriptions of each letter-form could have been refined, typographically descriptive and displayed as more of a story. Locations of each of the letter-forms was something that could have improved the book. The paper stock for the cover was appropriate to the content but a thicker and more textured stock could have been more engaging. Overall the book has been a success and did what initially was intended - to be an alternative story of the Orkney’s displayed through found typography and that it would relate to my target audience of tourists, the design community and the people of Orkney. This duel target audience meant that the content needed to be informative as well as look really professional. 

Some things that were a real surprise to me in-terms of there success were the blank embossed pages, I felt they might not look out of place and unfinished. However due to the quality of the embossing these pages are some of the most interesting in the book. The size and weight of the book is another unexpected success, it has a volume to it that reflects the found objects on show, it feels as if it could have been found in the Orkney’s. 

In terms of pushing the content to make something more engaging this project and publication has been a success. Overall the print finish and delivery of this publication has come together successfully and each design element and technique adds to the content rather than distracting from it. The final outcome fits to the initial aims of the project, all in all has been effective as a complete publication.

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